Impressions of Lisa HERLEDANT, a volunteer from France, who joined us in July to learn about biodiversity in the field where we introduced her to the functioning of complex natural systems through our projects: “I’m 19 and I’ve been living in Paris for two years to study international business. I chose these studies because I’d like to become a buyer, a buyer in circular fashion. In fact, ever since I was very young, I’ve been very committed to the environment and ecology. That’s why I decided to go to Slovenia in July to learn more about biodiversity. In fact, thanks to the French association ZELLIDJA, I have the opportunity to make a documentary on biodiversity in Slovenia. Today we’re halfway through my trip, but I’ve been able to learn a lot thanks to several people, notably Iztok and Klemen from InTeRCeR, who helped me understand their research by showing me some of Slovenia’s beautiful and very interesting landscapes. As a result, I’m even more aware that nature and...
More InformationUstvarjamo prihodnost, učimo se iz preteklosti, 5-9 julij 2021, Varšava, Poljska Evropski kongres krajinske ekologije IALE 2022 želi izpostaviti krajinsko ekologijo kot transdisciplinarno platformo, ki povezuje preteklost, sedanjost in prihodnost. Ta pristop je še posebej potreben zdaj, ko se svet sooča z globalnimi izzivi, kot so podnebna kriza, izguba biotske raznovrstnosti, onesnaževanje okolja, množične migracije in urbanizacija. Celostni krajinski pristop k kompleksnim kulturno-okoljskim sistemom – kar je bistvo krajinske ekologije – zagotavlja popoln okvir za kombiniranje transdisciplinarnih orodij in perspektiv za boljše razumevanje raznolikih pojavov in procesov okoli nas ter za njihovo predvidevanje in ustrezno upravljanje. Zato se želimo učiti iz preteklih izkušenj in znanja, da prevzamemo odgovornost za oblikovanje trajnostnih krajin in družb prihodnosti. Žal je zaradi težav s Covid19 kongres potekal preko spleta in tudi kongres se je prestavil za eno leto Na tem kongresu smo imeli predstavitev najnovejšega projekta Krajine v...
More InformationMaking the future, learning from the past, 5-9 July 2021, Warsaw, Poland The IALE 2022 European Landscape Ecology Congress aims to highlight landscape ecology as the trans disciplinary platform linking past, present and future. This approach is especially needed now when the world is facing global challenges such as climate crisis, biodiversity loss, environmental pollution, mass migration and urbanization. A holistic, landscape approach to the complex cultural-environmental systems – which is the essence of landscape ecology – provides the perfect framework for combining trans disciplinary tools and perspectives to better understand the diverse phenomena and processes around us and to predict and properly manage them. That is why we want to learn from past experience and knowledge to take responsibility for shaping sustainable landscapes and societies of the future. At this congress, we had a presentation of the latest project Landscapes in...
More InformationInštitut za Trajnostni Razvoj in Celostne Rešitve