Hazelnut harmony 2023
Impressions of Lisa HERLEDANT, a volunteer from France, who joined us in July to learn about biodiversity in the field where we introduced her to the functioning of complex natural systems through our projects: https://youtu.be/S4vXcLZ_kvA “I’m 19 and I’ve been living in Paris for two years to study international business. I chose these studies because I’d like to become a buyer, a buyer in circular fashion. In fact, ever since I was very young, I’ve been very committed to the environment and ecology. That’s why I decided to go to Slovenia in July to learn more about biodiversity. In fact, thanks to the French association ZELLIDJA, I have the opportunity to make a documentary on biodiversity in Slovenia. Today we’re halfway through my trip, but I’ve been able to learn a lot thanks to several people, notably Iztok and Klemen from InTeRCeR, who helped me understand their research by showing me some of Slovenia’s beautiful and very interesting landscapes. As a result, I’m even more aware that nature and biodiversity are totally essential to our lives, and this trip will surely change my...
read moreIALE 2021 European Landscape Ecology Congress
Ustvarjamo prihodnost, učimo se iz preteklosti, 5-9 julij 2021, Varšava, Poljska Evropski kongres krajinske ekologije IALE 2022 želi izpostaviti krajinsko ekologijo kot transdisciplinarno platformo, ki povezuje preteklost, sedanjost in prihodnost. Ta pristop je še posebej potreben zdaj, ko se svet sooča z globalnimi izzivi, kot so podnebna kriza, izguba biotske raznovrstnosti, onesnaževanje okolja, množične migracije in urbanizacija. Celostni krajinski pristop k kompleksnim kulturno-okoljskim sistemom – kar je bistvo krajinske ekologije – zagotavlja popoln okvir za kombiniranje transdisciplinarnih orodij in perspektiv za boljše razumevanje raznolikih pojavov in procesov okoli nas ter za njihovo predvidevanje in ustrezno upravljanje. Zato se želimo učiti iz preteklih izkušenj in znanja, da prevzamemo odgovornost za oblikovanje trajnostnih krajin in družb prihodnosti. Žal je zaradi težav s Covid19 kongres potekal preko spleta in tudi kongres se je prestavil za eno leto Na tem kongresu smo imeli predstavitev najnovejšega projekta Krajine v...
read moreIALE 2021 European Landscape Ecology Congress
Making the future, learning from the past, 5-9 July 2021, Warsaw, Poland The IALE 2022 European Landscape Ecology Congress aims to highlight landscape ecology as the trans disciplinary platform linking past, present and future. This approach is especially needed now when the world is facing global challenges such as climate crisis, biodiversity loss, environmental pollution, mass migration and urbanization. A holistic, landscape approach to the complex cultural-environmental systems – which is the essence of landscape ecology – provides the perfect framework for combining trans disciplinary tools and perspectives to better understand the diverse phenomena and processes around us and to predict and properly manage them. That is why we want to learn from past experience and knowledge to take responsibility for shaping sustainable landscapes and societies of the future. At this congress, we had a presentation of the latest project Landscapes in...
read more10th IALE World Congress 2019
Nature and society facing the Anthropocene – Challenges and Perspectives for Landscape Ecology, Milano, Italy, 01-05 July The International Association for Landscape Ecology – IALE has organised world landscape ecology congress in Milan, Italy 1 – 5 July 2019. Nature and society facing the Anthropocene – Challenges and Perspectives for Landscape Ecology The congress was an international meeting opportunity for everyone working in landscape ecology or who has an interest in this field. Member of institute has participated on congress and had oral presentation and poster one. We have presened Land Sharing project initiative poster and have oral presentation of research Landscape Ecology Time Analysis of Wetland in Pesnica...
read more10. IALE svetovni kongres
Tema kongresa je bila Narava in družba pred antropocenom – izzivi in perspektive krajinske ekologije. Svetovno združenje krajinskih ekologov – IALE, je organiziralo svtovni krajinskoekološki kongres v Milanu, v Italiji od 1 – 5 jujija 2019. Kongres je bil mednarodna priložnost za srečanje vseh, ki se ukvarjajo s krajinsko ekologijo in jih to področje zanima. Član inštituta se je udeležil kongresa in imel predstavitev raziskave in posterja. Predstavili smo poster projekta Souporaba kmetijskih zemljišč in imeli prezentacijo raziskave Časovna krajinskoekološka analiza mokrišča v Pesniški...
read moreCLIMATHON MARIBOR 2018 – solutions for a regenerative Maribor
Climathon bo v Mariboru potekal že tretjič. Vabljeni 26.10.2018 v Vetrinjski dvor. Pridruži se nam in soustvarjaj ideje za regenerativni Maribor. PRIJAVE: https://lnkd.in/diP3Az7 Postani del globalnega gibanja Climathon za iskanje inovativnih rešitev za premagovanje podnebnih izzivov v sodobnih urbanih okoljih. Climathon pomeni 24 ur intenzivnega premisleka in neprekinjenega timskega dela. 24 ur pospešenega bitja srca in kreiranja vizije za bolj zeleno prihodnost. Sodeluj na Climathon Maribor 2018 in aktivno soustvarjaj jutri, kakršnega bi želel živeti že...
MARIBOR CIRCULAR CITY. FROM GREEN TO GOLD. Izziv: Circular economy in an urban environment: Reduce, reuse, recycle biological or organic waste? Climathon Maribor 2017 bo hkrati potekal v okoli 100 mestih po vsem svetu. Letos zopet v Mariboru. Pridruži se v petek, 27. Oktobra ob 16.00 v Salonu uporabnih umetnosti. Climathon Maribor pomeni 24 ur premisleka in kreiranja vizije za krožno mesto Maribor – mesto zelene prihodnosti. Udeležba je brezplačna, prijavi se tukaj: https://climathon.climate-kic.org/maribor Publié par Inštitut Intercer sur dimanche 15 octobre 2017 ...
read moreIALE 2017 European Landscape Ecology Congress
European Association for Landscape Ecology – IALE Europe, organized IALE 2017 European Landscape Ecology Congress, From pattern and process to people and action in Ghent, 12-15 September 2017. The congress theme reflected that landscape ecology is a meeting point – where pattern and process meet people and action – seen as a way of thinking when dealing with European landscapes. Organizers wanted to put emphasis on the integration of pattern and process as a biophysical component of landscape ecology with people and action, bringing in the social and cultural approaches. This requires a true interaction of natural and social sciences, and of science, policy and practice. Therefore the congress was an opportunity to reflect on the state of the art of landscape ecology today. Furthermore, the challenge of the congress was what the future directions are of landscape ecology as a social relevant approach for science, policy and practice. Participation on the congress provided insight in current landscape ecology research situation in Europe. We met many researchers and people active in landscape ecology, we exchanged knowledge, experiences and talked about the possibility of professional...
read moreCooperation Slovenia and USA for youth-friendly entrepreneurship and the European campaign Pact 4 Youth
In Maribor were on 12 December 2016 presented the possibilities for cooperation of Slovenia and USA concerning youth-friendly entrepreneurship and the European campaign Pact 4 Youth today. This campaign encourages youth employment, internship and practice in enterprises. Klemen Bzjak Member of the Institute InTeRCeR attended the event. The Institute for the Development of Social Responsibility – IRDO has presented the possibilities for cooperation of the youngsters with USA and strengthening of their entrepreneurship. The event took place at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Štajerska and was organized in cooperation with the U.S. Embassy in Ljubljana, the Republic of Slovenia’s Office for Youth and the supportive partners. Saša Pelko, Vice-mayor of the Municipality of Maribor, Izaak Martin, Deputy Public Affairs Officer, U.S. Embassy Ljubljana, Slovenia, Jernej Salecl, assistant to the manager of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Štajerska, and Anita Hrast, M. S., manager of the IRDO Institute, addressed the audience. The discussion with persons who have already experienced work, entrepreneurship and education in USA followed. They transferred their knowledge on the youngsters and suggested them how to create relation, get involved in studying, work and life in USA. Charlotte Taft, SEI & Alumni Coordinator, U.S. Embassy Ljubljana, stressed that this Embassy offers to the youngsters from Slovenia numerous possibilities, e.g. encouraging the youngsters’ gaining of practice in USA enterprises in the form of the summer work, which they can obtain from the STA travel agency, Fulbright scholarships and other supports, such as the foundations (Ad Futura etc.). They invite the youngsters to monitor announcements on the website of the U.S. Embassy in Ljubljana and use the offered opportunities. She exposed the youngsters’ need to have a chance of practicing in enterprises; this is the only way for them to know how they should work, when they are really employed. The work during the studying time is a youngsters’ usual practice in USA; thus, they gain the suitable experiences in practice. Creston Davis, PhD, Founding director & Professor of Philosophy – The Global Center for Advanced Studies, New York, Chair of Interdiscp. Humanities Alma Mater Europaea Slovenija & Austria, stressed that Maribor faces a big unemployment of youngsters and on the other hand has a free education. He encourages foreign students to come and study in Slovenia, which he finds a very beautiful country, and it is too bad not to help youngsters to their success. Youngsters must take risks and have the courage to succeed although they make failures on their way to it. Failures are only a different way of learning for success. »Lack of money is only an excuse to not do something; it is essential that the person decides on his or her own to make something of him or her-self,« he added. Alenka Hren, SPIRIT Slovenia, public agency, exposed that much is going on elsewhere; hence, youngsters must dare to go abroad and return home. Youngsters should be more proactive, travel and be open for several opportunities. Martina Rauter, PhD, Municipality of Maribor, said the one must start working rather than talking, including the youngsters. »It is urgent to link the existing supportive systems on one common point, offering the youngsters key information for studying and getting employed; this is the aim of the Municipality of Maribor too,«...
read moreSocial innovation in the field of climate change The4BEES
The4BEES builds on the hypothesis: Energy is consumed by people rather than by buildings. Although most of the strategies to achieve energy efficiency in buildings focus on technical mitigation measures, to reach the ambitious goals on Low Carbon set by EU and Alpine Strategy, both structural and soft approaches shall be considered in a complementary way across the AS area. The4BEES focuses on the behavioural changes of users in public buildings needed to achieve reduction of energy consumption. Such changes will be originated by the use of innovative ICT applications developed by a transnational ecosystem. The Project will set-up transnational Labs involving academia, decision makers and key administrations, entrepreneurship and citizens. Awareness raising and capacity building actions will prepare the ground for a Co-Creation activity aimed at the development of software applications (mobile apps, serious games, social interaction). Those applications will be used by the target groups in the demonstration sites (schools, houses, factories) to encourage behavioural changes for energy efficiency and carbon footprint reduction. Behavioral changes and energy reduction will be assessed and will improve transnational, regional and local low carbon and spatial development policies. Sustainable exploitation will also be analysed in order to maximize effectiveness and trigger economic development of the Alpine...
read more9th Pan-European Green Belt Conference, Koli (Finland)
After two years, so much has passed since the last conference in Slavonice (Czech Republic), we gathered again in Koli National Park (Finland), in the north of Europe. The purpose of the conference was also to visit Fennoscandian Green Belt of Europe between Norway, Finland and the Russian Federation. The hosts presented us projects that have been or are still being implemented in Fennoscandian Green Belt. They also presented the cooperation between countries and problems they face. Selected speakers have presented projects in the field of green infrastructure, which is becoming a very important area for the protection of nature. Conference participants presented good practices and nature conservation projects in the Green Belt area. There was also working in groups where we discussed about the further development of activities in the area of Green Belt as forum participants are actively involved in projects in the area of Green Belt. The conference ended with a trip to the Koli National Park. In the evening we had in Joensuu General Assembly Green Belt Assosiation, where we talked about the further development of the association and elected a new leadership. The discussion was held about the development of activities for the next two years until the next...
read more2nd Nyéléni Europe Forum for Food Sovereignty – the biggest ever convergence of Pan-European food sovereignty movements
2nd Nyéléni Europe Forum for Food Sovereignty took place from 26th – 30th October 2016 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The biggest European Forum for Food Sovereignty was held in the Expo Transylvania, which was just big enough for such a meeting. A major accomplishment of this forum was the convergence of Eastern European and Central Asian organisations with their Western European counterparts. There was 1,000 participants on the forum from 42 countries. Participants came from Europe and also from Africa and Asia. There were present many different people who are part of food sovereignty, including small-scale farmers, fishers, pastoralists, consumers, urban gardeners, indigenous peoples, researchers, agricultural workers, environmentalists, human rights defenders and trade unionists. Participants gathered to cooperate and develop joint strategies on how to take back control of the farming and food system. The Forum started with the Fair of delegations for participants to introduce and share experiences, ideas, lesion learned and present the situation of food sovereignty movement in their country. On the fair Institute presented book Integral Green Slovenia and Slovenian approaches towards food sovereignty with the help of integral economy model. Meet so many people who work on their projects and present results of their work, from whole Europe, gives new momentum for work on projects. Five days of intensive discussions, sharing experiences, ideas and talking about measures for a common goal are invaluable experience. At the same time there were more events taking place on the Forum and participants had to decide which topic they are interested in or in which field they want to be or are active. This has allowed the best possible transfer of experience, ideas and knowledge among the participants. Discussions were held within the framework of the thematic axes: Models of food production and consumption Food distribution The right to natural resources and commons Work and social conditions in food and agricultural systems We also talked about which policies we want to target with our actions at different levels and operations addressing them, in particular which policies are important for the movement and how to press on them with our activities at different levels and what principles of participation and inclusiveness should be taken into account. The work took place in the groups, which dealt with one of the levels of policies: Local level policies National level policies European Union policies Global level policies Every evening Open space took place where participants discuss about topics that were not included in the forum program. The talks were held about projects, campaigns, strategies, action plans with a view to strengthen the movement for food sovereignty in the fight against corporate industrial food systems. With colleagues from former Yugoslav republics, working on food sovereignty, we share experiences about our work and have conversation about food sovereignty system in the former Yugoslavia. We also discussed establishing Nyeleni Yugoslavia forum to reconnect areas that were once already connected and food sovereign and to exchange views and ideas about food sovereignty. Great emphasis of the Forum was on agroecology as science, which will be increasingly important for the development of agriculture in the future – back to nature. Agroecology is committed to radically local, inclusive and sustainable approach to agriculture. Cooperation in Cluj-Napoca has led to the creation of common food and agricultural plans, by promoting...
read moreClimathon – Green Resilient Maribor
Green Resilient Maribor Are you a socially responsible individual who has ideas on how to tackle challenges in Maribor? Climathon brings together the challenges of the world’s cities with the people who have the passion and ability to solve them. The Challenge City sets up local climate change challenge reflecting their local urban challenges in areas including: Urban Planning, Infrastructure, Housing, Water Use, Waste Removal, City Satellite Data and more Participants come with their ideas & develop them during 24 hours Or ideate with coaches on the day & develop their solutions 24 intense hours of collaboration, excitement and solution-finding Jury of relevant local stakeholders will select best idea in each city We are inviting for participation in Maribor Climathon all who have a desire to develop solutions to the challenges, important for the future of the second largest city in Slovenia. This is also opportunity for those who have already developed ideas, as well as those who do not have a clear and developed ideas or solutions for jointly developing. During the event teams will be developing and creating a potentially viable ideas for Maribor. Existing pilot ideas are also welcome. – What is the hack? Hack is a quick challenge, creating new solutions to a pressing problem. For our climate hack, participants will be able to use existing data but they will need entrepreneural inventiveness to create interesting workable solutions or business idea that would be realized in city as soon as possible. – Are there prizes? Climathon Maribor winners will receive prizes and an international certificate Climate–KICa, which is identical to that of the other cities participating in the challenge. A certificate of participation is awarded to all participants who will present their ideas at the end of the event. – What will happen at the event? Climathon Maribor 2016 will be held in wavingfoundry community of ideas and projects in Tkalski prehod 4, 2000 Maribor, on the second floor. 24-hour event will be held from 15.00. hours on Thursday, 27th October to 15:00 on Friday, 28th October, and at that time the participating teams will be provided expert support and evaluation of teams and their ideas. Climathon – Green Resilient Maribor is organised by Institute for Sustainable Development and Holistic Solutions – InTeRCeR. ...
read more2nd Nyéléni Europe Forum for Food Sovereignty – the biggest ever convergence of Pan-European food sovereignty movements.
2nd Nyéléni Europe Forum for Food Sovereignty will take place from 26th – 30th October 2016 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Up to 1,000 people from 42 countries – small-scale farmers, fishers, pastoralists, consumers, urban gardeners, indigenous peoples, researchers, agricultural workers, environmentalists, human rights defenders and trade unionists – will converge from all over Europe, for a series of workshops and discussions on how to take back control of the farming and food system. Information on Nyéléni Europe forum Something is rotten in the state of the European food and agricultural system. The consequences of the expansion of industrial agriculture and the continued drive towards export-oriented markets have sparked a wave of farmers’, workers’ and consumers’ protests all over Europe. Tractor-led protests outside the EU institutions in Brussels are commonplace, and, Poland’s largest farmers’ uprising ever saw tractors taking to the roads to protest the back-door introduction of GMOs and land grabs. Exploited and abused migrant workers in Italy’s tomato sector went on strike, and hundreds of thousands of farmers and consumers marched together against TTIP in Berlin in January 2016. Across Europe, people are organising at a grassroots level to take back control of their food and agricultural systems – and the Nyéléni Europe movement aims to bring them all together. Together we are building people-powered solutions to the broken system, and practicing new ways of organising our food systems – from the seeds in the fields, and from farm to fork. The global Nyéléni movement was born at a food sovereignty forum in Mali in 2007, and the first European forum was held in Krems, Austria in 2011. Slovenian focal point is Institute InTeRCeR. Our organization gladly accepted the invitation to be focal point for Slovenia organize delegation which will represent our state on the forum. Invitation and participation is also opportunity for start of Nyéléni Slovenia forum. Iztok, member of institute has participated on Nyéléni Austria 2014 forum and regional and national Nyéléni Austria meetings. Participation on events enable us insight in organizing all actors who are working on different agro-food...
read moreVisit of Municipality St. Margarethen an der Raab
Procurator and consultant Klemen Bizjak has organized and led the first familiarization meeting between representatives of the municipalities of Lovrenc na Pohorju and St. Margarethen an der Raab in neighboring Styria, between the mayor Joško Manfreda and the mayor Johann Glettler. The meeting was held in a festive atmosphere on the municipal holiday Margarether Kirtag and successfully concluded with the decision on further bilateral activities in August, which will also include representatives from industry and other key...
read moreVisit of German association for landscape management – DVL in Slovenia
To preserve biodiversity worldwide and in Europe it is crucial to work together with land users to conserve cultural landscapes for its value of nature on the one side and on the other to find ways that land users can have an affordable income and high quality of life. The German Association for Landscape management – Deutsche Verband für Landschaftspflege (DVL) work in this field together with its local Landcare Associations all over Germany. To exchange knowledge and experiences about the described challenges the DVL frequently offers trainings and conferences to its members and interested people. Partners form seven European countries are engaged in the issue of Landcare – Deutscher Verband für Landschaftspflege (D), Veelzijdig Boerenland (NL), Asociatia Microregionala “Pogany-havas” (RO), SVERIGES LANTBRUKSUNIVERSITET (SE) und Inštitut za trajnostni razvoj in celostne rešitve – InTeRCeR (SI), The Firm of ARCH (UK) and Transhumancia y Naturaleza (S). These partners are at different stages of development but share similar processes and patterns of development in the use of landcare. Erasmus+ aim is to provide the mobility of trainers and advisors from German Landcare organizations and to develop a range of partnership and training opportunities within seven partner countries. The mission of the project is the analysis of local conditions and application of best practice for the conservation of the European Cultural Landscapes by regional products and the strong cooperation with farmers. The main objectives of the project are following: To share information and search synergies regarding criteria, strategies, methodologies, models and innovative ideas. To process experiences and knowledge and ensure their dissemination To encourage the participants in international communication and learning and in the usage of foreign languages. To build long-lasting contacts and cooperations for a continuous exchange of information and ideas. The main focus for participants is on learning, but they also pass on their professional knowledge to the European partner organization as well as hand on acquired skills to others in their organizations. The transnational trainings are essential for the beneficiaries of learning because, they will learn something about specific objectives of landcare in partner countries and how to implement them on the ground across Europe. Participants also have different communication tools to hand on results and can give presentations or hold short training sessions for their colleagues. The information skills gained can be fed directly into the formal/in house training delivered by participating organizations. Institute InTeRCeR has organized for the German partners visits of good examples in Slovenia. The exchange has taken place from 12. to 16. June 2016. Our German partners have visited: Goričko Nature Park The Solčava Region Sustainability Park Istra Kolpa Landscape...
read moreGreen Entrepreneurship Workshop with Victor Branagan
Workshop was organised by Institute for Sustainable Development and Holistic Solutions – InTeRCeR, together with the Institute for the Development of Social Responsibility – IRDO. Workshop took place on Monday, on 23.05.2016 in the premises of the Maribor Development Agency. The workshop entitled “Green Entrepreneurship” was carried out a little differently than most of us expected. Workshop leader was Victor Branagan (M.Sc. M.B.S.) more about him and his work can be found on their website “http://www.sustained.ie” We were in one word – surprised. His way of teaching does not fall within the established frameworks, which most teachers today perform. Already at the beginning of the workshop was announced that we will hear something that certainly we have not, therefore, we should tied us to not be thrown from the chairs. In fact, he does not teach anything new to say, since this knowledge was centuries maintained and develop by many other teachers, but now increasingly coming to the foreground, because of the wrong way of operation of most companies in the past. We also noticed that he has constantly moved around the conference room, because he wanted wanted to connect us into a circle of equivalent actors in discussion. Viktor began with an explanation of the apparent separation of systems and objects like we were wrongly taught in the last 400 years in schools, starting from Galileo Galilei. He said that green and social entrepreneurs are capable to view things and events in a broader perspective, integrate them and thereby smooth the sharp edges, which are formed due to the prevailing doctrine of the measurement, evaluation and compartmentalisation of everything, which we are dealing today. In this way modern entrepreneur is entering the path of the system operation and thinking, which requires not only change of established practices, but completely different actions from the very beginning. It is a change of thinking about things and events that do not always bring the desired results, because in order to achieve these results we need to start at the beginning, approach in a different way, as they have done for decades and centuries in a dominant entrepreneurial logic. Therefore, it is often easier to start completely anew, rather than to change old patterns and try to act differently. In the parables Viktor told us how to get rid of things that embitter our lifes and steal leisure. Simply throw them out the window, especially if you live on the ground floor! Viktor told us also that the Irish social enterprise is in almost every village, as a result of the strong emigrant community who have helped each other in order to facilitate survival. The problem arises when some companies are guided by the logic of dictatorship and also quite dependent on “foreign” money. Victor has pointed to the danger, often misreading of sustainability performance, which draws us in rearranging the natural principles of sustainability to economic calculations. So we get a sustainable Coca-cola or sustainable wood products from plantations, which are based on the destruction of natural forest area! Survival of green or social enterprise is also illustrated as too severe dependence on the state, regional or municipal money, which is identical with severe drug dependence. Therefore should be growth of companies perceived differently, not only through economic calculations, but also through...
read moreEIB Board of Directors Seminar with Civil Society 2016
On 1st February 2016, the European Investment Bank – EIB hosted the annual Civil Society Seminar with the Bank’s Board of Directors. This event, fifth of its kind, built on fruitful exchanges during the previous seminars of February 2015, February 2014, February 2013 and October 2011. This seminar is a key pillar of the Bank’s stakeholder engagement and the only forum where the Board of Directors meets with external stakeholders. 50 participants from 40 organisations attended the event. They represented a good mix of civil society organisations with many diverse interests, including international and local NGOs, think tanks, research and academic institutions and trade unions Klemen participate on the event where he had conversation about possibilities for founding of our project Land...
read moreVisit to the municipality of Lovrenc na Pohorju
The team of the Institute InTeRCeR visited the municipality of Lovrenc na Pohorju. On the territory of the municipality team of Institute in year 2014 carried out a pilot project of Land Sharing idea. Together with Institute InTeRCeR team, colleague Markus Meister from Austria, representative of the municipality of St. Margarethen an der Raab, also attended the meeting with the mayor and his staff. The discussion focused on the possibilities of international cooperation between the municipality of Lovrenc na Pohorju and the municipality of St. Margarethen an der Raab, particularly the transfer of good practices from Austria to Slovenia. Of course, we also discussed about the continuation of the project Land sharing and cooperation with municipality by implementing the project. Together with representatives of the municipalities we visited the Factory of scythes and...
read moreElevate Festival – Music, Art and Political Discourse
Elevate festival is an annual festival held in various central venues around the Schlossberg in Graz, Austria. With its unique combination of critical political discourse and contemporary music and art, the Elevate Festival stands out of the “usual” festival circus. The organizational body is a not-for-profit association. Therefore all the discourses and film program of the festival is free of charge. On Monday 26.10. 2015 InTeRCeR team (Klemen, Iztok, Martina) visited events in Forum Stadtpark: Radical Ecology, Good Food Future, System Change not Climate Change. Discussions on the event System Change not Climate Change was also attended by world famous Vandana...
read moreStartery Central & Eastern Europe 2015 summit
Our application of project Land sharing has been selected among 30 finalists for the Startery Central and Eastern Europe 2015 summit. Summit took place from 9th to 13th November 2015 in Sofia, Bolgaria. 4 day @SAP Summit was organized by SAP, Ashoka and Social impact. With support of their mentors we have built up our ideas with introduction to the new methods of Design Thinking, the Business Model Generation and answer to the questions: How can we change the world? How can we tackle the severe global problems we are confronted with? Iztok attended summit to improve of our Land sharing idea and gather new experiences which we need to improve our...
read moreInternational Circular Economy Conference – Opportunities and Challenges
Circular economy is a strategic objective of Slovenia, the key is the active partner and co-operation of all, communicate to participants and organizers of the Conference on circular economy, which is on 3. November, organized by the Association of Ecologists Without Borders, the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning and the Government Office for the development of European cohesion Policy at Brdo pri Kranju. In a very well-attended conference, representatives of current best practice examples from Slovenia and Europe, explained about circular economy. Circular economy is a new model, which was created as a response to pressure from a growing economy and consumption across all borders. It focuses on the transformation of products and services, circulation of materials, reuse, repair and recycling; based on the use of energy from renewable sources, abandoning hazardous chemicals and reduces the consumption of raw materials. The conference was attended by Minister Irena Majcen, other government representatives and Slovenian companies, local communities, non-governmental organizations and the many individuals who are circular economy is a...
read moreRural Youth and Young Farmers Workshop
Rural Youth & Young Farmers Workshop was held from 22nd to 25th October 2015, at the school for biodynamic farming Warmonderhof near the town of Dronten in the Netherlands, 5 m below sea level. The workshop was organized by Forum Synergies, together with the Future Farmers Movement. The purpose of the workshop was to gather, strengthen and spread sustainable practices in rural areas and the exchange of knowledge and experience between the participants and organizers of the workshop. Participation of an active youth force in rural economies and local development is usually limited by: Lack of preconditions and preparatory actions for return of youth to rural areas Difficulty to get access to land & finance, both for youth and for young farmers Low level of quality vocational and non-vocational education in rural areas Lack of appropriate support for youth and young farmers’ activities in rural areas Youth including young farmers in rural Europe face these and other challenges, for which there is few motivation to talk about and act for. But here we are ready to broaden the discussions, tackle issues and find common solutions, inspired by Rural Youth initiatives and Young Farmers initiatives around Europe! The workshop included visiting farmers in surrounding area, “market of initiatives” where participants presented their projects, excursions and group discussions among participants. The workshop was attended by Iztok, where he presented Land sharing project in the “market of initiatives” and share the experience of the Institute with other workshop participants. The workshop was an opportunity for gaining new knowledge, experiences and meet new people that are interested in international cooperation with the Institute and Land sharing...
read moreInnovator Catalyst in Budapest: Boosting sustainable economy in Rural areas
Climate-KIC is Europe’s largest public-private innovation partnership, working together to address the challenge of climate change. Innovator Catalyst in Budapest: Boosting sustainable economy in Rural areas was held from 17th – 25th October 2015. An eight day fully coached program for experienced professionals to influence organization change and system innovation on the theme Working on the challenges we face and how to overcome them. Purpose was to learn how to grow your agricultural organization, tackle climate change challenges, develop your business into sustainability and apply innovation, with main focus on the following topics: Economically viable and resilient irrigation system against climate change impacts Opportunities smart agriculture and precision farming can hold for you Valorization of by-product and waste streams by circular economy approach and supply chain management practices Klemen attended the program to improve of our Land sharing idea and gather new experiences which we need to improve our...
read morePIA Permakultur-Akademie im Alpenraum
Permakulture forum of Austrian permakulture associations PIA Permakulture Academy in the Alpine region was held from 15th to 18th October 2015 on Limberg castle, near Schwanberg, Styria. Theme of the forum was “Preserving and designing nourishing landscapes”. Many of us still do not know how permaculture enriches our lives and what opportunities we can offer with permacultural planning. The purpose of the forum was: Find out as much about the idea of permaculture Presentations of the projects and the people who work on these projects To exchange experiences among participants about permacultural planning and self-sufficiency Permacultural knowledge, skills and experience to gather, to refresh and expand Permakulturne techniques and methods to identify and examine Connect the activities of groups and initiatives To promote sustainable projects and the technical and methodological assistance to participants To inform, mobilize and motivate. Iztok attended the forum, where he had a presentation of our project Land sharing LINK DAJ in the field of restoration of traditional agriculture in Slovenia and links to permakulture. The focus of the presentation was how we can use the knowledge of older generations in permaculture. He presented the concept of inter-generational transfer of knowledge that is useful in permaculture and the concept of conservation and restoration of cultural landscapes with this approach. Part the project presentation was discussion, where the forum participants exchange knowledge and experience with Iztok. The Forum was held in a pleasant atmosphere, where they presented the projects, which are actively implemented in the area of Permaculture in Austria and surrounding countries (Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia). Participants actively share experiences and discuss the possibilities of mutual cooperation and assistance in permakultural...
read moreInternational Conference & INVOLEN Competition Award, Florence, Italy, 24-25 September 2015
International Conference & INVOLEN Competition Award took place in convent of Saint Apollonia in the hearth of Florence. Aim of the conference was to promote discussion on three core topics connected to lifelong learning: intergenerational learning, for promoting the transmission of knowledge and skills between different generations in relation to nature conservation and local heritage; but also for promoting new technologies – ICT (information and communications technologies) and mobile game design – as well as environmental volunteering for enhancing both education and active citizenship. Conference has been triggered by, and organized in the framework of the INVOLEN project. INVOLEN aims to promote intergenerational learning through game-based learning, targeting nature conservation volunteers in 5 European countries (Italy, Greece, France, Hungary and Slovenia). INVOLEN brings together adolescents and senior citizens, encouraging their participation in voluntary activities for nature conservation, and challenging them to work together to design their own Location Based Game to be played in a chosen protected area, near their place of residence. Institute InTeRCeR is also working on social innovation project (Land sharing) based on intergenerational cooperation and one of the benefits of the project is the nature conservation. The conference provided opportunity for international promotion of our idea. This task was done by Iztok who attended the conference and had oral presentation of our pilot project and its results with title “Using Approach of Intergenerational Cooperation and Learning for Nature Conservation and Innovative Eco-social Interventions in Agriculture in Slovenia: A Case Study”. Pilot project is base for further development of our social innovation idea from the perspective of intergenerational learning. Implementation of the pilot project has given the team conformation that our project idea is having the right approach and encouragement for further development of idea. Further development of idea has received qualification among 30 semi-finalists of the European Social Innovation Competition...
read moreSocial innovation academy Vienna 7.–8.9.2015
Social Innovation Academy was held from 7 to 9 September in Vienna at the Magdas Hotel. Klemen and Iztok participated at the academy. The main objective of the Social Innovation Academy was to support the semi-finalists in order to enhance the quality of the innovative projects and thereby enlarging the chances for the semi-finalists to become finalists. The three day program included webinars, open interactive discussions with peers and experts and guidance for improving our submission. The academy was organized in a highly interactive manner to provide as much room for the semi-finalists to work on our projects. We have work on the questions like: What is ‘good’ impact? What is social innovation? Why do we need to work on this? What we need to be a successful social innovator? What does it take to get to the next phase of the Competition? To find answers, organizers have devised a program that aims to bring our proposal to the next level: working on the resubmission of our plan, improving our idea, development and delivery, telling our story. Coaching sessions have taken place in small teams. Every mentor was working with two teams and help them by improvement of their idea. Aim of the program was to improve Detailed plan of project idea and have the best chances for winning the Competition price of 50.000 €....
read moreSemi-finalists of the European Social Innovation Competition 2015
In the 2015 edition of the European Social Innovation Competition has the European Commission selected 30 semi-finalists from 1408 applicants across Europe. Our entry of project Land Sharing is one of 30 selected semi-finalists. Based around the theme ‘New Ways to Grow’ the competition aims to support individuals and organizations with entrepreneurial, game changing ideas for social innovation projects. The judges select entries with the greatest potential to increase growth and sustain financial value, as well as ensure social progress for citizens, government and enterprises. At the top of the agenda were ideas to promote inclusion, education and youth, employment, health and ageing, climate change, food waste and the environment. Semi-finalists compete for one of the three prizes of €50,000 which will be awarded by the European Commission in November 2015. But this competition is not just about prizes, it provides mentoring support, networking opportunities and visibility to great ideas. All semi-finalists will receive tailored mentoring and support to give them the best possible chance in the Competition and beyond. The social innovation academy is to be held from 7 to 9 September in Vienna at the Magdas Hotel. The Magdas Hotel was a finalist from the first ever Competition in 2013. It provides employment opportunities to refugees and asylum seekers in Austria. Press release of our project Land sharing. Land Sharing, Institute InTeRCeR – European Social Innovation Competition 2015 Final evaluation of...
read more2nd International Workshop on Conservation Biology
2nd International Workshop on Conservation Biology was held in in Koper from 17 to 19 June. Organizer of the conference was the Department of Biodiversity, Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technology, University of Primorska. On the 17 June had a member of our Institute (Iztok Erjavec) an oral presentation of our abstract Alternative approach to nature conservation with social entrepreneurship. The paper was the presentation of our work on project Land Sharing from the viewpoint of the conservation biology. The purpose of this presentation was to stimulate a discussion among participants about different methods of approach to the conservation of cultural landscapes with their landscape diversity and biodiversity and how on this basis enable new development opportunities in rural...
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