LAND SHARING FOR FOOD AND SOCIAL GOOD – Integration and empowerment of disadvantaged groups for the local food production
The project is based on intergenerational cooperation between elderly farmers who cannot work on the land due to their age and unemployed people from towns. They are targeting the disadvantaged group of people for a cooperative growing of organic food and production of goods and services. The idea is to encourage intergenerational transfer of knowledge (from older to younger generation) about multipurpose organic farming which took place in the past. The focus is to develop and implement a business model which will have a high social impact. They offer a longterm solution to the economic and social situation of the disadvantaged group. This will enable new opportunities for the development of rural areas and developing new economic segment social entrepreneurship, through this we will shorten supply routes to customers and reintroduce agriculture with low carbon footprint and at the same time preserve nature. – See more at:
The project idea was presented in 2014 in the local environment, and receives prizes and training for development of innovative business idea:
In 2015, we further developed project idea and presented it in the international environment, also here we were placed on high-profile European competitions and training:
- Climate Launchpad Competition 2015
- Semi-finalists of the European Social Innovation Competition 2015, Final evaluaton of project: notification-landsharing-14-10-2016-1
- Social Innovation Academy 2015
- Startery Central & Eastern Europe 2015 summit
The project idea was presented with the contribution at conferences in the local and international environment
- 2nd International Workshop on Conservation Biology
- International Conference & INVOLEN Competition Award
We also attended the meetings and events related to new approaches to rural development where we exchange our knowledge and experience with the participants of meetings
- Reclaim the Fields (RTF) European Assembly in the UK
- Work Visit in Germany
- PIA Permakultur-Akademie im Alpenraum
- Innovator Catalyst in Budapest: Boosting sustainable economy in Rural areas
- Rural Youth and Young Farmers Workshop
Climathon – Green Reseilient Maribor 2016 Climate-KIC Climathon is a global 24-hour event to tackle climate change, which took place on 28th October 2016 at the same place in 59 major cities, including Washington, London, Berlin, Bologna and Belgrade. Participants of Climathon worldwide were looking for solutions to pressing challenges in their cities and propose innovative solutions. In Maribor, the 24-hour event took place from 27th to 28th October 2016, from 15.00 to 15.00. Participants with the help of the organizers focused on actively address the challenge of how to provide for Maribor more multifunctional green spaces. The winners have presented the idea to the Mayor of city Maribor to dr. Andrej Fištravec.
Erasmus + Erasmus+ aim is to provide the mobility of trainers and advisors from the German Association for Landscape Management (DVL) together with its local Landcare Associations to develop a range of partnership and training opportunities within seven partner countries. The mission of the project is the analysis of local conditions and application of best practice for the conservation of the European Cultural Landscapes by regional products and the strong cooperation with farmers. The main objectives of the project are following:
- To share information and search synergies regarding criteria, strategies, methodologies, models and innovative ideas.
- To process experiences and knowledge and ensure their dissemination
- To encourage the participants in international communication and learning and in the usage of foreign languages.
- To build long-lasting contacts and cooperations for a continuous exchange of information and ideas.
Institute InTeRCeR has organized for the German partners visits of good examples in Slovenia. The exchange has taken place from 12. to 16. June 2016.
Green and Social Entrepreneurship
Green and social entrepreneurship is a new value and is always the result of the operation of all participants in the process, so it blends with the total value and can not be subject to evaluation by the traditional economic key division of the merits. Individuals must inevitably terminate desire for the valuation of their stake in the common, of course not at the expense of the laziness of others, but at the expense of the satisfaction of others. It is important to see the pleasure, since it is highly contagious! Every beginning is difficult and requires a lot of sacrifices, especially the uncertain and ambiguous, and it is always a sign that we are on the right track erasing sharp edges and operation in the interspaces that link seemingly separate parts into a whole. Attracting larger stakeholders and necessarily synergistic operation, which is in the initial steps uncertain and is leading to appearances, to results. There are no direct answers to questions because they are depended on each individual and do not represent solutions, because this is not the result of a linear way of thinking, but intertwined combination of the three principles of sustainability! Doing something new necessarily mean smooth the sharp edges and change the existing practices, which still encounters disapproval. The hardest is to abandon the mentality of I and focus on me, open pressed palms and direct it upward, because it is not in accordance with the prevailing mode of entrepreneurial thinking. But it is necessary in the green and social entrepreneurship, because only by giving we can receive and only with the satisfaction of the participants in the overall process, we can be satisfied with ourselves.
Integral Economy Project Land Sharing is being developed with the help of an integral economy model. This is the new economic and social model of development with an emphasis on ethical, moral core and smart integration measures for sustainable development. We encourage different economic approaches of self-sufficient in nature and community-based economy through the development, in culture spanning economic and social, knowledge-based economy towards a green entrepreneurship and ethical banking. We cooperate with Citizens’ Initiative for an Integral Green Slovenia, founded in April 2013 by a group of distinguished Slovenian experts and lead by dr. Darja Piciga. Integral Green Slovenia is a pan-Slovenian and non-partisan initiative for a wholesome life in the internationally respected community of Slovenia. Together with the authors of Integral Economics, Professors Ronnie Lessem and Alexander Schieffer, and their Geneva-based institute Trans4m Center for Integral Development, and also drawing upon a number of internationally renowned role models, in theory and practice, a new Integral Green Slovenian Economic and Societal perspective gradually evolved and is presented in the book Integral Green Slovenia by Gower Publishing.
B4NATURE: Sustainable and creative well-BEing FOR man and NATURE Trajnostno in ustvarjalno sobivanje človeka in narave
The objective of the B4Nature project (BC-Naklo) is to transfer knowledge and best practices and develop creative ideas on sustainable lifestyles, which would constitute a pleasure for nature and man. To this end, we have teamed up with internationally recognized ecological community Sólheimar (Iceland). This is a unique example of eco-village, which includes a number of structures and including the Centre for Education and knowledge transfer, and operates as a non-governmental organization with the help of donor country (Iceland). In the Slovenian partnership we intend to include stakeholders such as NGOs working in the field of sustainable development. The project is based on an integrated and long-term approach. The project will be not only to iinstitutionalized new links, but also to connect people working within non-governmental organizations. This will be an improvement in cooperation between the two countries at various levels. The project was carried out as an exchange of experience and visit of partners in Iceland, and Iceland partners have visited us at conference Vivus (Slovenia).